
context proc | user
Sets context to the user’s aliases or the extension’s aliases. This
command is used only by the extensions.
coredata start_address end_address
Dumps, in hexadecimal, the contents of the core file starting at
start_address and ending before end_address.
dbx command-string
Passes the command-string to dbx. Specifying dbx is optional; if
kdbx does not recognize a command, it automatically passes that
command to dbx. See the dbx
(1) reference page for a complete
description of dbx commands.
help [-long] [args]
Prints help text.
pr [flags] [extensions] [arguments]
Executes an extension and gives it control of the kdbx session until it
quits. You specify the name of the extension in extension and pass
arguments to it in arguments.
Causes kdbx to display input to and output
from the extension on the screen.
pipe in_pipe
Used in conjunction with the dbx debugger
for debugging extensions. See Chapter 3 for
information on using the pipe flag.
Causes the output of the extension to be
sent to the invoker of the extension without
interpretation as kdbx commands.
Used by extensions that execute other
extensions to redirect the output from the
called extensions; otherwise, the user receives
the output.
Causes kdbx to communicate with the
subprocess through a terminal line instead
of pipes. If you specify the pipe flag, proc
ignores it.
2–14 Kernel Debugging Utilities