
# ps ax | grep -E "portmap|mountd|nfsd|nfsiod"
If these daemons are not all running, start the inoperative ones. See the
appropriate reference pages for information about starting these daemons.
For example, enter the following command to display the
reference page:
# man portmap
10.6 Planning Disk Space for DMS
You must calculate the amount of disk space required to ensure that you
have enough space in the DMS areas in which the dmu utility will be created.
DMS clients’ system disk space is located on the server in a DMS area. See
Section 9.3.2 for a description of the DMS area’s contents. A server can have
multiple DMS areas in which some of the files (for example the contents
of the /usr area) are duplicated. This necessary duplication imposes
additional space requirements on the server.
This section discusses the following topics:
Disk space required for DMS environments (Section 10.6.1)
Estimating disk space for DMS clients (Section 10.6.2)
The types of kernel builds (Section 10.6.3)
Throughout this guide, the server’s environment file systems are designated
as /var/adm/dms/dmsN .alpha and /clients/hostname where
hostname is the name of the client. The root areas are designated dmsN
.alpha where the letter N represents the number assigned to the specific file
system or common root area when it is installed. The client’s private portion
of the common root area is designated /clients/hostname.
Disk space is required on the server for each DMS server area file system.
The following sections provide guidelines for estimating the disk space
required by the DMS area.
Appendix B contains worksheets to help you calculate your space
10.6.1 Disk Space Required for DMS Environments
Each dmsN .alpha environment must have the following software subsets
Additional Networking Services (OSFINET)
Dataless Management Services (OSFDMS)
10–4 Preparing DMS Servers and Clients