Donotforce.Theweightofthe unitsuppliesadequate
pressure.Let the sandpaper and sander do the work. Ap-
plyingadditional pressuresrowa the motor,rapidlywears
sandpaperand greatlyreducessander speed. Excessive
pressurewill overloadthe motor causingpossibledamage
from motor overheatingand canresult ininferiorwork.
Any finishorresin on wood maysoften from the frictional
See Figure9.
Orbitalmotion is idealfor fast cuttingactionwhen remov-
ingold finishes,smoothingroughwood, cuttingstock
downto requireddimensions,or for finishingsurfacesto
be painted.The sandpaper movesintiny circlesat a very
highspeed, arrowingthe sander to move easily.
heat. Do not allow sanding on one spot too long, as the
sander's rapidactionmay remove too muchmatarial,
making the surface uneven.
The frontedge o_the sander allows ftushsandingin
corners.AJwayaremovesanderfrom workptece before
turningthe sander.
Fig. 8
A WARNING: When servicing,useonly identical
Craftsmanreplacement parts. Use ofanyother parts
may createa hazardor cause productdamage.
A WARNING: Alwayswear_ataty gogglesorsafety
glasseswith side shie/dsduringpower tool operation
or when blowingdust. If operationisdusty,also wear
a dustmask.
Avoid usingsolventswhen cleaning plasticparts. Most
plasticsare susceptibleto damage fromvarioustypesof
commercialsolventsand may be damaged by their use.
Use clean clothsto remove dirt,dust, oil, grease,etc.
WARNING: Do notat any time letbrake fluids,
oils, etc., come in contactwith plasticparts. Chemi-
cals candamage, weaken or destroy plasticwhich
may resultin seriouspersonalInjury.
Electrictoolsused on flbargLseamaterial,wallboard,
specklingcompounds, or plasterere subjectto scsal-
statedwear and possibleprematurefaiturebecause the
fiberglass chipsand grindingsare highlyabrasiveto bear-
ings,brushes,commutators,etc. Consequently,we do not
recommendedusingthistool for extendedwork on these
typesof materials. However,it youdo work with any of
these materials,itis extremelyimportantto clean thetool
Allof the bearingsin this toolam lubricatedwith a suffi-
cientamountof highgrade lubricantfor the lifeof the unit
lubricationis required.
Onlythe partsshownon the parts listare intended tobe
repairedor replaced by the customer.All other parts
shouldbe replacedat a Sears ServiceCenter.