
Place the looselyassembledframe ontothe rear of
the b'actor,hookingthe notched ends ofthe mounting
brackets under the shoulderbolts,Attachthe hitch
bracketto the tractorhitchusingthe clevis pinand a
1/8" hairpinclip. See figure6.
Alignthe frame so thatit isstraightand level withthe
tractor. Tighten thefour 5/16" x 3/4" hex bolts
(assembled infigure 4) whichfastenthe mounting
bracketsto the hitchbracket.
Slide the 3/8" x 1" hex boltsalong the hitchbracket
slots untilthey are bumped upagainstthe backedge
ofthe tractorhitch.Tighten. See figure 6.
Place the toolbox ontothe frame sothatthe heads
ofthe shoulder boltsin the bottom ofthe toolboxfit
down intothe keyholeslots. Slidethetool box
forward,slightlytiltingup the backend, untilthe
clevis pinsinthe bottomofthe tool box dropdown
intothe holesat the rear of theframe. Secure thetool
box tothe frame with two 1/8" hairpinclipsthrough
the clevis pins. See figure7.
Tighten the two bolts(assembled in figure 5) which
fasten the brace strap tothe mountingbrackets.The
strap keepsthe frame at the correctalignmentwidth
when removingand reattachingthe frame and thetool
3/8" x 1"
HEXBOLT'-----. I I
F 6
[o]"J=1: ,JIII
CAUTION: Vehicle braking and stability
may be affected with the additionof an
accessory or en attachment. Be aware of
changing conditions on slopes.
Engage the tractor clutch smoothly whert starting
the tractor in motion. Sudden, fullthrottle starts
could cause the front end of the tractor to liftoff the
ground, causing loss of steering control.
Fill the Trac Pack with up to 100 pounds of material
or tools.
Do Not exceed the 100 poundweight capacity of
the Trec Pack.
To remove the tool box from the Trac Pack frame,
'remove the 1/8" hairpin clips from the two clevispin
in the bottom ofthe tool box. Lift up the rear ofthe
tool box enough to raise the pins o,t ofthe frame
end then pull back and up tO remove the heads of
the shoulder bolts from the slots in the frame.
To remove the Trac Pack frame from the tractor,
remove the 1/8" hairpin clip end the clevis pinfrom
the hitch bracket. Unhook the frame from the
shoulder boltson the sides of the tractor and
remove the frame. The shoulder boltsmay be left
permanently attached.
Rinse or wipe off the Trac Pack after each use.
Do not store with material inthe tool box.
Store inside in a clean, dry area.