Using the Tractor Lift
Step 1. Engage Tractor Lift
• Center Tractor Lift in front of tractor.
, Ensure that claws at ends of lift
tubes are securely hooked under
the lift cross tube attached to tractor
(Figure 1) or to the tractor
bumper/brush guard (Figure 2.)
Figure !.
Properly engaging tractor
with mounted lift cross tube.
Figure 2.
Properly engaging tractor
with tractor bumper/brush guard.
Step 2. Lift Tractor
• Place foot onto foot bar tube and apply
continuous forward pressure with foot
while pulling down on tractor lift handle.
• Once lifted, the weight of tractor will
automatically force handle down
into correct position.
IMPORTANT: Stabilizer bar MUST be engaged
immediately after raising the tractor. See Step 3
on next page for instructions.
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Page 9.