3201 Walnut Avenue, Long Beach, CA 90807
FAX 562/490-9546
Valve Ratings
Flowseal HPBV's are intended for use at the pressure and
temperatures indicated on the metal nameplate attached to
each individual valve. Check the valve operating tempera-
ture and pressure ratings on the valve nameplate before
proceeding with installation.
Installation Tools
The only tool required in the installation of a Flowseal
HPBFV is a wrench suitable for tightening the flange bolts
and/or nuts required to secure the valve in-line. A hoist may
be required to help manipulate valves 10" and larger. Smaller
sized valves can usually be installed by hand. Temporary
pipe supports may be used to keep mating flange faces
parallel in order to aid in valve installation.
Valve and Flange Preparation
If the valve and mating pipe are properly prepared for
installation, future problems can be avoided. All valve and
pipe flange faces should be free of dirt, grit, dents, or surface
irregularities which may disrupt flange sealing and cause
external leakage. The valve seat and disc sealing surface
should also be inspected to eliminate any dirt or foreign
material that will adversely affect the operation of the valve.
Required Bolting
The tables outlined on the following pages are furnished to
provide information regarding the size, type, and quantity of
bolting recommended for the installation of Flowseal
HPBFV's. These tables are intended for use as a planning
and procurement guide. All recommendations are based on
pipe flanges in accordance with ANSI B16.5 for 2" through
24" valves and MSS-SP-44 for valves 30" and larger. Flange
bolting is not included with the valve shipment.
Check the packing list against the valve received to
verify that the size, material, and trim are correct.
Check to make sure that the valve and operator were not
damaged during shipment.
When lifting the valve, take care to avoid damage to the
flange faces, disc sealing edge, or operator. On larger
valves, lifting holes are provided on the periphery of the
valve body to aid in valve handling.
If the valve is to be stored before being installed, it should
be protected from harsh environmental conditions.
Store the valve with the disc in the closed position to
protect the sealing edge and the seat.
Keep the valve in a clean location, away from dirt, debris
and corrosive materials.
Keep the valve in a dry area with the flange protectors
attached and on a suitable skid or pallet.
Keep the valve in a cool location if possible, out of direct
Seat Upstream vs Seat Downstream
Although all Flowseal seat designs are completely bi-direc-
tional, every effort should be made to install the valve with
pressure and flow from the seat side of the valve (seat
upstream). Positive shutoff will be achieved with the valve in
either orientation. However, installation with the seat in the
upstream position will result in longer service life and lower
torque valves.
Disc Clearances
Prior to installing the valve, it is important to make sure the
ID of the pipe and pipe flanges is large enough to allow the
disc edge to swing into the opening without interference.
Damage to the disc edge can severly affect the performance
of the valve. Pipe schedule compatibility for Flowseal valves
is shown in Section 1 of this manual.
Opening Rotation
The Flowseal valve is designed to open with counterclock-
wise rotation of the shaft, and to close with clockwise rotation
of the shaft when viewed from above with the shaft in the
vertical position. An over-travel stop is provided in the body
to prevent over-travel of the disc in the wrong direction. This
stop is not to be used as a disc position stop. Contact with
this stop means the disc has travelled past the seat.
Installation Position
To prevent damage during installation the valve disc must be
fully closed before installing the valve in the line. It is
preferable to install HPBV's with the shaft horizontal. This is
important for valves applied to fluids which contain particu-
lates. For HPBV's 16" and larger, installation should always
be made with the shaft horizontal.
Unpacking and Storage Instructions