Document 38-08035 Rev. *K Page 31 of 83
13. Low Voltage Detect Control
Table 13-1. Low Voltage Control Register (LVDCR) [0x1E3] [R/W]
Bit # 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Field Reserved PORLEV[1:0] Reserved VM[2:0]
Read/Write – – R/W R/W –R/WR/W R/W
Default 0 0 0 0 000 0
This register controls the configuration of the Power on Reset/Low voltage Detection block.
Note This register exists in the second bank of IO space. This requires setting the XIO bit in the CPU flags register.
Bit [7:6]: Reserved
Bit [5:4]: PORLEV[1:0]
This field controls the level below which the precision power on reset (PPOR) detector generates a reset.
0 0 = 2.7V Range (trip near 2.6V)
0 1 = 3V Range (trip near 2.9V)
1 0 = 5V Range, >
4.75V (trip near 4.65V). This setting must be used when operating the CPU above 12 MHz.
1 1 = PPOR does not generate a reset, but values read from the Voltage Monitor Comparators Register (Table 13-2) give the
internal PPOR comparator state with trip point set to the 3V range setting.
Bit 3: Reserved
Bit [2:0]: VM[2:0]
LVD Trip
Point (V) Min
LVD Trip
Point (V) Typ
LVD Trip
Point (V) Max
Reserved Reserved Reserved
001 Reserved Reserved Reserved
Reserved Reserved Reserved
Reserved Reserved Reserved
100 4.439 4.48 4.528
4.597 4.64 4.689
4.680 4.73 4.774
111 4.766 4.82 4.862
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