
Time — The local time the event occurred.
Type — A classification of the event severity: Information, Warning, or Error.
User — The name of the user on whose behalf the event occurred.
Computer — The name of the system where the event occurred.
Source — The software that logged the event.
Category — The classification of the event by the event source.
Event ID — The number identifying the particular event type.
Description — A description of the event. The format and contents of the event description vary,
depending on the event type.
Understanding the Event Description
Table below lists in alphabetical order each line item that may appear in the event description.
Line Item
Action performed was: <Action>
Explanation Specifies the action that was performed, for example: Action performed was:
Power cycle
Line Item
Action requested was: <Action>
Explanation Specifies the action that was requested, for example: Action requested was:
Reboot, shutdown OS first
Line Item
Additional Details: <Additional details for the event>
Explanation Specifies additional details available for the hot plug event, for example: Memory
device: DIMM1_A Serial number: FFFF30B1
Line Item
<Additional power supply status information>
Explanation Specifies information pertaining to the event, for example: Power supply input
AC is off, Power supply POK (power OK) signal is not normal,
Power supply is turned off
Line Item
Chassis intrusion state: <Intrusion state>
Explanation Specifies whether the chassis intrusion state is Open or Closed. For example:
Chassis intrusion state: Open
Line Item
Chassis location: <Name of chassis>
Explanation Specifies name of the chassis that generated the message, for example: Chassis
location: Main System Chassis
Line Item
Configuration error type: <type of configuration error>