sudo patch /etc/pupetlabs/puppet/modules/netapp/lib/puppet/util/
network_device/netapp/NaServer.rb < /tmp/NaServer.patch
8. Update the permissions on the NetApp module. To update the permissions, run the following
sudo chmod 755 /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/modules/netapp/lib/puppet/util/
9. Change the owner of the files. To change the owner of the files, run the following command:
sudo chown pe-puppet:pe-puppet /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/modules/netapp/lib/
Enable HTTP or HTTPs for NFS share
Connect to the NetApp Filer using ssh and run the option httpcommand to see the current settings. If
the property httpd.admin.ssl is set to off, then run the command option
httpd.admin.ssl.enable on
to enable HTTPS.
ADC-NetApp01> options http
httpd.access legacy
httpd.admin.access legacy
httpd.admin.enable on
httpd.admin.hostsequiv.enable on
httpd.admin.max_connections 512
httpd.admin.ssl.enable on
httpd.admin.top-page.authentication on
httpd.autoindex.enable on
httpd.bypass_traverse_checking on
httpd.enable on
httpd.ipv6.enable off
httpd.log.format common(value might be overwritten in takeover)
httpd.method.trace.enable off
httpd.rootdir /vol/vol0/home/http
httpd.timeout 300(value might be overwritten in takeover)
httpd.timewait.enable off(value might be overwritten in takeover
Configuring NetApp Storage Component
The following settings must be configured in the NetApp storage component.
For more information about NetApp Storage Component, see Active System Manager version 8.0 User’s
• Target NetApp
• Storage Value
• New Volume Name
• Storage Size
• Aggregate Name
• The Space Reservation Mode
• Snapshot percentage