
7.To remove the filter holder, rotate the handle from
right to left.
IMPORTANT: To avoid splashes, never remove the
filter holder while the appliance is delivering
8.To dispose of the used coffee, block the filter using
the lever incorporated in the handle and empty the
grounds by turning the filter holder upside down and
tapping (fig. 22).
9.To turn the appliance off, rotate the selector knob to
the "O" position (fig. 23)
IMPORTANT: The first time the appliance is used, all
accessories the machine must be washed through by
making at least five coffees without using ground
1.Preheat the appliance as described in the paragraph
holder attached to the appliance. This obtains a
hotter coffee. Preheating improves the filter holder
gasket seal.
2.Press the filter holder button and insert a pod,
centering it as far as possible above the filter (fig.
Always follow the instructions on the pod pack to
position the pod on the filter correctly.
NOTE: Use pods conforming to the ESE standard
indicated on the pack with the following logo:
The ESE standard is a system accepted by leading pod
producers and enables espresso to be prepared simply
and cleanly.
3.Attach the filter holder to the appliance. Always
rotate as far as it will go (fig. 15).
Note: To ensure effective closure and avoid leaks of
water from the rim of the filter holder, you are
recommended to grease the bottom of the lateral tabs
from time to time with butter or oil (as shown in figure
IMPORTANT: When using the filter holder for pods,
after using the filter for ground coffee, remove any
coffee grounds stuck to the boiler outlet (fig. 26).
Failure to observe this precaution may lead to water
leaking from the edges of the pod filter holder while
the coffee is being prepared.
4.Proceed as in points 5, 6 and 7 in the previous
5.To remove the pod, press the button on the filter
holder and extract.
6.To turn the appliance off, rotate the selector knob to
the "O" position (fig. 23).
1.Prepare the espresso as described in the previous
paragraphs, using sufficiently large cups.
2.Rotate the selector knob to the position (fig. 27). The
steam indicator light comes on (fig. 27).
3.Wait until the OK indicator light comes on (fig. 28)
indicating that the boiler has reached the ideal
temperature for steam production.
4.In the meantime, fill a container with about 3.5 oz of
milk for each cappuccino to be prepared. The milk
must be at refrigerator temperature (not hot!). In
choosing the size of the container, bear in mind that
the milk increases in volume by 2 or 3 times.
NB: You are recommended to use skim milk at
refrigerator temperature.
5.Remove the cappuccino maker by pulling forwards
and rotating to the left (fig. 29). During this
operation, avoid touching the boiler outlet as it is hot.
Place the container containing the milk under the
cappuccino frother.
6.Immerse the cappuccino maker in the milk for about
2 cm and rotate the steam knob counterclockwise
(fig. 30) (rotating the knob more or less varies the
quantity of steam discharged by the cappuccino
maker). The milk now starts to increase in volume
and take on a creamy appearance.
7.When the required temperature is reached (the ideal
is 60°C -140°F), interrupt steam delivery by rotating
the steam knob clockwise.
8.Pour the frothed milk into the cups containing the
espresso prepared previously. The cappuccino is
ready. Sweeten to taste and if desired, sprinkle the
froth with a little cocoa powder.
Note: To prepare more than one cappuccino, first
make all the coffees then at the end prepare the
frothed milk for all the cappuccinos.
IMPORTANT: Always clean the cappuccino frother
after use. Proceed as follows:
1.Immerse the cappuccino frother in about 3/4" milk
inside the container and rotate the steam knob
counter-clockwise (Fig.30).
2.With one hand, hold the top part stationary and with
the other unscrew the cappuccino maker by rotating
clockwise and extracting from the nozzle (fig. 31).
3.Remove the steam nozzle from the delivery tube.
4.Wash the cappuccino frother and steam nozzle
thoroughly with warm water.
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