l This menu allows you to easily configure the delay times for all the speakers, including
the subwoofer, in the system. We suggest you use a tape measure to help you be as
accurate as possible. This is a performance advantage over other receivers that allow
only center channel (front and/or rear) delay time adjustment.
• Upon entering the setup item, you will need to choose which unit of measurement
you prefer, meters or feet. Select using the “Left/Right” arrow keys.
• Once you’ve selected the units of measurement, you will be taken to the screen
where you will need to adjust the distances from the ‘Best Seat’ in the room to
each speaker. Only the speakers you selected in the “Speaker Configuration”
screen will be shown for adjustment. Use the “Left/Right” arrow keys to make
adjustments, and the “Up/Down” arrows to select the individual Speakers.
• When complete, press the “Enter” key.
Channel Level
l Use this setting to adjust the playback levels from the different channels so that they are
equal in sound level. We feel this setting is another critical step in getting the very best
performance from the AVR-2802, so we highly recommend you use a Sound Pressure
Level (SPL) meter when doing these adjustments.
l An SPL meter is an objective measurement device that will give the most accurate
reading for this setting. Our ears are subjective and not precise is measuring levels from
Speakers that are mounted in different locations. Radio Shack sells a very good $30
Analog (not Digital) SPL meter, be sure it’s the Analog one, as it provides greater ease of
use, especially with the Subwoofer Levels.
l Any level adjustments should be done at the ‘Best Seat’ location. Do not attempt to get a
room average by making adjustments while moving around the room!
l Your first selection will be to choose how the Test Tones will be output from the AVR-
2802, either in an automatic sequence or manually. Using the ‘Left/Right” arrows, select
‘Manual’, as this setting will allow you control which speaker the tone comes out of and for
how long. The ‘Auto’ setting is cyclical and quick and should only be used by someone
who is very comfortable setting up Channel Levels.
l The next adjustment is to select the Surround Speaker(s) to be on during the Test Tones.
• Your choices are based on your settings from the “Speaker Configuration” screen
you completed earlier.
l Finally it’s time to start the Test Tones and adjust the levels. Select ‘Yes’ to start the Test
Tone generator in the AVR-2802. You will see a room diagram showing you which
speaker was selected to be adjusted for this setting, each speaker will flash when they
are playing the Test Tone. You will also notice individual level bars for each speaker.