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2 Dynamic Volume
Solves the problem of large variations in volume level between TV,
movies and other content (between quiet passages and loud passages,
etc.) by automatically adjusting to the user’s preferred volume setting.
Heavy : Most adjustment to softest and loudest sounds.
Medium : Medium adjustment to loudest and softest sound.
Light : Least adjustment to loudest and softest sounds.
O (Default) : Do not use “Dynamic Volume”.
•If “Dynamic Volume” is set to “Yes” in “Audyssey® Setup” (vpage172),
the setting is automatically changed to “Medium”.
2 Audyssey LFC™
Adjusts the low frequency band to prevent bass and vibration from
being conveyed to neighboring rooms.
On : Use “Audyssey LFC™”.
O (Default) : Do not use “Audyssey LFC™”.
•“Audyssey LFC™” cannot be set up if “Audyssey® Setup” is not completed.
About Audyssey LFC™ (Low Frequency Containment)
Audyssey LFC™ solves the problem of low frequency sounds
disturbing people in neighboring rooms or apartments. Audyssey
LFC™ dynamically monitors the audio content and removes the
low frequencies that pass through walls, floors and ceilings. It then
applies psychoacoustic processing to restore the perception of low
bass for listeners in the room. The result is great sound that no longer
disturbs the neighbors.
2 Containment Amount
Adjusts the amount of low frequency containment. Use higher settings
if you have close neighbors.
1 – 7 (Default : 4)
•Setting is enabled when “Audyssey LFC™” is “On”.