NOTICE: Non thermostat con-
trolled heaters may be used as
a vented product. If so, you must
always run heater with chimney
flue damper open and damper
clamp installed. If running heater
with damper open, noncombus-
tible material above the fireplace
opening is not needed. Go to
Installing Damper Clamp Ac-
cessory for Vented Operation,
page 12.
Minimum Noncombustible Material
If Not Using Mantel
Note: If using a mantel proceed to If Using Man-
tel. If not using mantel, follow the information
on this page.
You must have noncombustible material(s) above
the fireplace opening. Noncombustible materials
(such as slate, marble, tile, etc..) Must be at least
1/2 inch thick. With sheet metal, you must have
noncombustible material behind it. Noncombus
tible material must extend at least 8" up (for all
models). If noncombustible material is less than
12", you must install the fireplace hood accessory
(24" Models Only). See Figure 5 for minimum
Figure 4 - Minimum Clearance for
Combustible to Wall
*Minimum 16 inches from Side Wall
Heat Resistant
Figure 5 - Heat Resistant Material (Slate,
Marble, Tile, etc.) Above Fireplace
Noncombustible Requirements for
Material Distance (A) Safe Installation
12" or more N o nc o mb u s ti b l e
material OK.
Between 8" and 12" 24" Models:
Install fireplace hood
accessory (GA6050,
GA6052, GA6053, see
Accessories, page 27).
18" Model: Noncom-
bustible material OK.
Less than 8" Noncombustible
material must be
extended to at least 8".
See Between 8" and
12", above. If you
cannot extend material,
you must operate
heater with flue damper
open and damper
clamp installed
If Using Mantel
You must have noncombustible material(s) above the
fireplace opening. Noncombustible materials (such as
slate, marble, tile, etc.) must be at least 1/2 inch thick.
With sheet metal, you must have noncombustible
material behind it. Noncombustible material must
extend at least 8 inches up (for all models). If noncom-
bustible material is less than 12", you must install the
fireplace hood accessory (24" Models Only). Even if
noncombustible material is more than 12", you may
need the hood accessory to deflect heat away from
your mantel shelf. See Figure 5 and Figures 6 and 7,
page 11, for minimum clearances.
IMPORTANT: If you cannot meet these minimum
clearances, you must operate heater with chimney
flue damper open. Go to Installing Damper Clamp
Accessory for Vented Operation
, page 12.