Frequently Asked Questions (continued)
How can I setup my router to work with Earthlink DSL or any PPPoE
Make sure you disable or uninstall any PPPoE software such as WinPoet or Enternet
300 from your computer or you will not be able to connect to the Internet.
Step 1 Upgrade Firmware if needed.
(Please visit the D-Link tech support website at: http://support.dlink.com for the latest
firmware upgrade information.)
Step 2 Take a paperclip and perform a hard reset. With the unit on, use a paperclip
and hold down the reset button on the back of the unit for 10 seconds. Release it and
the router will recycle, the lights will blink, and then stabilize.
Step 3 After the router stabilizes, open your browser and enter into the
address window and hit the Enter key. When the password dialog box appears, enter
the username admin and leave the password blank. Click OK.
If the password dialog box does not come up repeat Step 2.
Note: Do not run Wizard.
Step 4 Click on the WAN tab on left-hand side of the screen. Select PPPoE.
Step 5 Select Dynamic PPPoE (unless your ISP supplied you with a static IP
Step 6 In the username field enter ELN/username@earthlink.net and your
password, where username is your own username.
For SBC Global users, enter username@sbcglobal.net.
For Ameritech users, enter username@ameritech.net.
For BellSouth users, enter username@bellsouth.net.
For Mindspring users, enter username@mindspring.com.
For most other ISPs, enter username.
Step 7 Maximum Idle Time should be set to zero. Set MTU to 1492, unless
specified by your ISP, and set Autoreconnect to Enabled.
Note: If you experience problems accessing certain websites and/or email issues,
please set the MTU to a lower number such as 1472, 1452, etc. Contact your ISP for
more information and the proper MTU setting for your connection.