PUMP TUBE: Make sure the pump tube is completely un-
wrapped and not kinked. Failure to do so can cause water to
back up in the pump and leak out. The control panel may signal
this problem by displaying “ER9.”
KEEP OUT DUST. Keep dust from drywall, demolition, and other
sources out of the coils. Failure to do so can cause the unit to
overheat, leading to compressor failure or other problems. Do
not run the unit during sanding, painting or other operations pro-
ducing airborne particulate. When dust is present, use the op-
tional pleated paper filter to keep more dust out of the unit; also,
inspect and clean the coils as required.
USE A CLEAN FILTER. Keep a clean filter in the unit at all times
to keep out dust. When using a foam filter, clean with a vacuum,
or wash with water and mild detergent and allow it to dry. When
using paper filters, discard the filter when visibly dirty and insert
a clean one.
SHINE EXTERIOR: Use a sponge and mild detergent for regu-
lar cleaning. Do not pour or run water onto the unit or allow wa-
ter to soak the touchpad control. Bring back the original shine
with a vinyl cleaner-polish.
Periodic Maintenance (as needed)
Make sure unit is unplugged. Remove housing as needed to
permit access to interior parts.
KEEP COILS CLEAN. Dirty coils do not remove water efficiently.
Inspect them regularly, especially if operating in dusty environ-
ments. Clean if they are visibly dirty.
First make sure coils are dry, then blow them clean with direct
compressed air from both sides of the coil. Do NOT hold too
close to the coils, as high-pressure air may fold the fins.
If sticky or oily residue remain, do a wet cleaning. Use a squirt
bottle to flush the coil with water and a little detergent. Do NOT
run a hose or pressure washer on the coils, or permit water to
enter the electrical compartment.
Remove dirt buildup with an aluminum evaporator coil cleaner
available from a refrigeration supply outlet. Follow product direc-
tions carefully.
When cleaning coils, also make sure that the drain tray, drain
hose, and filter cover are free of dirt.
PUMP SYSTEM: Inspect and clean the pump system regularly to
maintain effective operation. Remove the four screws holding
down the pump cover. Clean the catch basin. Make sure the float
shaft operates smoothly and does not stick in the OFF position.
Use a pipe cleaner to clean the gravity drain hose.
FILL OUT WARRANTY CARD: Please stop before proceeding
and fill out the warranty card.
INSPECT ON ARRIVAL: When your Dri-Eaz product arrives,
check immediately for signs of shipping damage. If you notice
damage, save the shipping carton for claim purposes, and im-
mediately report the problem to your supplier and the shipping
company. Also, save the carton for shipping in case your product
ever needs repair at a remote location.
Dri-Eaz promises, to the original purchaser, to perform the
following as needed to correct defects in materials and
7 Years on Housing: Repair or replace the housing of a Dri-Eaz
Airmover or Dehumidifier, for seven years from date of purchase.
(United States and Canada only.)
4 Years on Compressor, Coils and Rotor: Repair or replace the
compressor and/or coil of a DrizAir Dehumidifier, or the desic-
cant rotor of a DriTec Dehumidifier, for four years from the date
of purchase. (United States and Canada only.)
1 Year on Parts and Labor: Cover parts and labor costs for the
repair of a Dri-Eaz Airmover, Dehumidifier, Instrument, Acces-
sory, and other product except Marketing Products, for a period
of one year from the date of purchase.
90 Days on Shipping: Cover shipping costs for the repair of a
Dri-Eaz Airmover, Dehumidifier, Instrument, Accessory, or other
product except Marketing Products, both to and from the Service
Center, for a period of 90 days from the date of purchase.
LIMITATIONS: This warranty shall not extend to any products
showing effects of misuse, accident damage, disassembly, al-
teration, lack of proper maintenance, corrosive chemicals, im-
proper voltage, unauthorized repairs, use of other than genuine
parts and materials, fire, flood, normal wear and tear, or any
other causes beyond Dri-Eaz Products' control. The warranty
obligation extends only to the repairs or replacement of parts
found, upon Dri-Eaz Products' examination, to be defective. The
foregoing constitutes the entire warranty and no other warranty,
liability, contingency or responsibility, direct, indirect, conse-
quential or in any way connected with the sale or operation of
products is expressed or implied.
TO RECEIVE WARRANTY SERVICE: You must write or call for
a Return Authorization. You must have the serial number avail-
able. The Dri-Eaz Service Department must authorize all costs,
including shipping, for any Service Centers worldwide. Please
direct questions to an authorized distributor, or to Dri-Eaz at
(360) 757-7776, extension 238.