
13. Channel output too low/high and won’t adjust.
* Apparent in optical as well? Not a DTS player problem. Are all the amps on?
* Apparent in DTS only, turn off the DTS player until there is time to troubleshoot.
Use DTS Setup Disc to verify DTS SPL adjustments. Use multimeter to follow the signal path.
Monitor signal and turn the DTS level pot. If no change is seen, the pot is bad. Replace player.
Is the signal level the same with the DTS disconnected from CP? If signal increases, something after DTS is padding
down the signal.
DTS6: Is JM21 plugged in correctly? Look at orientation of PIN 1. Is 50-pin cable pushed down?
DTS6D: Is the ANALOG cable pushed down? Is the DTS audio card on CP connected correctly?
* Are the DTS player’s AUTOMATION and ANALOG cables swapped?
14. Just installed DTS and now the CP analog levels have changed.
DTS to CP50 / CP100 / CP200 only. DTS cannot effect other CP analog levels.
* DTS-6D to CP50: DTS D567 R1, R2, and R3, should be 9.1K and R4 should be 6.2K.
* DTS-6D to CP200/CP100: DTS D567 R1, R2, R3, R4 should be zero ohms.
* DTS-6 to CP50: DTS D458 R1, R2, and R3 should be 9.1K and R4 should be 6.2K.
* DTS-6 to CP100: DTS D458 R1, R2, R3, and R4 should be zero ohms.
15. No DTS sound, but optical sound is OK.
* Verify CP MUTE is not on and the master fader is turned up. Check remote fader.
* Verify CP is in the correct sound format for DTS.
* Verify DTS audio cable is properly connected to the CP. See installation manual for details.
* Verify the DTS SYSTEM light is flashing and that the DIGITAL light is on.
* DTS-6D to
CP50/100/200: DTS D567 interface board, D711 (powers relays). must be installed to DTS-6D
AUTOMATION connector.
* If the B-chain was just tuned, be sure the pink noise card has been removed and all the CP cards have been
reinstalled and are correctly orientated.
* If the DTS player is in a roll-around rack that uses an interface such as the Odyssey System. Connect DTS
directly to CP and test with Setup Disc. If that works, then the interface has a problem.
* Switch CP into an optical sound format. Replace DTS player.
* Verify the light on the drives are not on solid. If they are, the disc(s) cannot be read. Move the discs around, if
the problem follows the disc, the disc is bad. If the problem follows the drive, the drive is bad.
16. When the DTS defaults, no sound.
* Verify DTS connection to automation: BS22 on DTS-6, AUTOMATION cable on DTS-6D.
DTS-6, BS22: Check orientation of PIN 1. Verify proper DTS logic board used and all connections are good. Verify all
jumpers, if used, are properly set.
DTS-6D: Verify proper DTS logic board used and all connections are good. Verify all jumpers, if used, are properly set.
* Verify the automation is working properly.
* Use a DS1 Setup Disc to check the DTS System. When ejecting a DTS disc, the CP should automatically
default to an optical format.
If using the DTS demo film, be sure to use the “Buzz and Bill Show” disc.
* If the DTS player is in a roll-around rack that uses an interface such as the Odyssey System. Connect DTS
directly to CP and test with Setup Disc. If that works, then the interface has a problem.