8) Youcannowliftoutaburnertubeforinspection.
The Ducane
gas barbecue burners have been factory set for the correct air and gas
mixture. The correct flame pattern is shown.
1) Burner tube
2) Tips occasionally flicker yellow
3) Lightblue
4) Dark blue
If the flames do not appear to be uniform throughout the burner tube, follow the main
burner cleaning procedure.
9) Ifthereisdustordirtonthescreens,brushtheSpider/Insectscreen(s),lightly,
with a soft bristle brush, (i.e. an old toothbrush).
m CAUTION: Do not clean the Spider/Insect screens with hard
or sharp tools. Do not dislodge the Spider/Insect screens or
enlarge the screen openings.
10) IftheSpider/Insectscreenbecomesdamagedorcannotbecleaned,callDucane
Customer Service at 1-800-382-2637 for replacement parts.
11) To reassemble, reverse steps 2 through 10.
gas barbecue, as well as any outdoor gas appliance, is a target for
spiders and other insects. They can nest in the venturi section (1) of the burner tubes.
This blocks the normal gas flow, and can cause the gas to flow back out the air shutter.
This could result in a fire in and around the air shutters, under the control panel, causing
serious damage to your barbecue.
The burner tube air shutter is fitted with a stainless steel screen (2) to prevent spiders
and other insects access to the burner tubes through the air shutter openings.
1) The smell of gas in conjunction with the burner flames appearing yellow and lazy.
2) Barbecue does not reach temperature.
3) Barbecue does not heat evenly.
4) One or more of the burners do not ignite.
m DANGER: Failure to correct the above mentioned symptoms
may result in a fire, which can cause serious bodily injury or
death, and cause damage to property.