Dynaudio Sub 250 13
Positioning possibilities
Moving the subwoofer closer to walls and corners in particular will generally increase
the amount of bass. Although the extra amount of bass can be compensated for by
reducing the volume level of the subwoofer relative to the rest of the system, this can
result in uneven bass response at the listening position. You can try starting with
placement in a corner and experiment by gradually moving it out of the corner or
further away from the wall. Try to locate the position which yields the best compromise
between position, volume and even bass response. Note that every time that you
reposition the subwoofer (even if it’s over a short distance) you may need to adjust
the level and phase settings again.
Corner placement
This placement yields maximum boost of bass level but potentially uneven distribution
of bass in the room (room-modes), particularly if the room is square or shoe-box
X From the listening position, check if the bass is even across the entire bass
spectrum. If not, move the subwoofer out of the corner. Try moving it along either
Next to wall, away from corner
This position still provides considerable boost but less than the corner placement as
above. Room-modes can also still be considerable but less so than with corner
X From the listening position, check if the bass is even across the entire bass
spectrum. If not, move the subwoofer away or towards your listening position until
the most even response has been obtained.
X Avoid placing the subwoofer exactly half-way or at a quarter of the wall’s length.
Free standing, away from wall and corner
This position will give least boost compared to wall or corner placement, but in general
offers the best flexibility at achieving most even bass distribution at the listening
X Avoid placing the subwoofer exactly half-way or at a quarter’s length of either
X Particularly in smaller square or “shoe-box” shaped rooms the free standing
position is recommended.
Using multiple subwoofers
By using carefully positioned multiple subwoofers it is possible to even out the
different room-modes and thus create a more coherent overall bass response in the
room. It is worth experimenting with different locations around the room for the
additional subwoofers, even using the rear of the room. As adding subwoofers will not
increase the effect of room-modes, even adding a subwoofer without much care or
thought to positioning is likely to help even out room-modes.