Table 2
Improper fuel used .....................................Use fuel with correct mixing ratio. Never use
gasoline of poor quality.
Spark plug defective (burnt).......................Replace.
Ouput (engine speed) insufficient
Engine keeps running, but chain does not cut clean
Output (engine speed) sufficient
Firing function
Chain does not cut
Chain stops
(Clutch slips)
Chain poorly
As cooling fins clogged, air
does not pass well .....................................Clean fins.
Excessive deposits in
combustion chamber .................................Disassemble and remove carbon.
Plug damaged or fouled.............................Replace or clean.
Comubstion poor due to
defective wiring ..........................................Check wiring.
High-speed needle setting incorrect ..........Readjust.
Carburetor overflow....................................Refer to Table 1.
Air cleaner clogged ....................................Clean as necessary.
Compression insufficient
(piston ring stuck or worn out)....................Disassemble, check and replace if necessary.
Cylinder chromium plating peeled .............Replace cylinder
or worn out
Exhaust port clogged with carbon..............Clean as necessary.
Throttle is not fully open .............................Readjust.
Chain tension incorrect ..............................Adjust.
Chain wrongly set.......................................Set correctly.
Depth incorrect ...........................................Readjust.
Chain saw pressed against
tree to firmly ...............................................Press lightly.
Clutch shoe worn out .................................Replace.
No oil in tank ..............................................Refill.
Oil delivery incorrect................................... Adjust.
Oil contaminated with dust ........................Rinse tank and fill with new oil..
Oil viscosity inappropriate ..........................Use oil with correct viscosity for summer or winter.
• Inspect and adjust every part of the chain saw.
- Completely clean every part, and repair, if necessary.
- Apply thin coating of oil on metal parts to prevent rust.
- Remove chain and guide bar, apply sufficient oil coating and wrap them up in plastic.
• Drain fuel tank, pull starter slowly a few times to drain fuel from carburetor.
• Pour a small amount of clean motor oil into spark plug hole, pull starter and crank engine until the TOP DEAD CENTER.
• Store in a dry area, free from dust.