EdgeStar Portable Dehumidifier 10
Troubleshooting continued
Issue Possible Cause Solution
My dehumidifier is not
functioning at all
Unit is not receiving
Make sure the unit is
plugged in
Insufficient power
Move the unit to another
outlet. Check your circuit
breaker. (Refer to the
rating label on the back
of the unit to determine
the Amperage draw)
Water bucket is full Drain the unit and restart
Water bucket is not in
proper position
Remove bucket and
Control panel is
If no indicator lights turn
on, contact customer
My dehumidifier is
making a loud noise
The unit is not level
Make sure the unit is on
a level surface
A foreign object has
jammed the fan
Shut off the unit, and
remove the object from
the fan
The floor below the unit
is uneven
Move the unit to a level
Air filter is clogged Clean the air filter
My dehumidifier is
making a continuous
metallic knocking or
pinging sound
Unit may have been
shipped on its side
Shut off the unit. Let the
unit sit on a level surface
for at least 24 hours and
Damaged compressor Contact customer service
My dehumidifier is
A drain hose has been
attached and is loose
Secure the drain hose.
Route your drain hose to
a drain hole or
condensate pump
Cracked water bucket Contact customer service
My dehumidifier runs for
a little while and then it
trips the power cord or
the circuit breaker
The dehumidifier may be
plugged into an outlet
that can not supply the
correct amount of current
Contact an electrician if
the unit works in a
different room or circuit
The control panel lights
blink randomly
Unit may have a faulty
control panel
Restart the unit, and if
issue persists, contact
customer service
Unit has an E1 error Humidity sensor error
Restart the unit, and if
issue persists, contact
customer service
Unit has an E2 error
Temperature sensor
Restart the unit, and if
issue persists, contact
customer service
Unit has a P1 error Unit is defrosting
Allow the unit time to
Unit has a P2 error Bucket is full
Empty the bucket and