Tips for Best Results
1. For best results, use clean glasses. Rinsing the glasses with cold
water prior to pouring can deliver better results (less foam).
2. Hold the glass at an angle under the dispenser. Do not touch the
nozzle of the dispenser to the glass.
3. Pull the dispenser handle towards you to start the flow of beer.
Open the dispenser up all the way to get the maximum flow rate
(this will decrease foam).
4. Slowly tip the glass upright as it fills.
5. Gently ease the dispenser handle back to the “closed” position as
the foam nears the lip of the glass.
6. Enjoy your beer!
Note: If you are enjoying a non-pressurized mini keg, you may adjust the
pressure for maximum enjoyment. Here are our suggestions:
Beer type CO
content in % Pressure (@ approx.
German beers +/- 0.5 +/- 0.4 - 0.5 bars
French beers +/- 0.6 - 0.8 +/- 0.8 bars
Highly fermented
brown ales
+/- 0.6 - 0.8 +/- 0.8 - 1 bars
Cleaning and Maintenance
You should clean the lines after every mini keg.
Cleaning the lines
Before tapping your first mini keg, and after each mini keg, clean the
1. Fill the “Squeeze bottle” cleaning kit half full of water. Add a small
amount of detergent, baking soda, white vinegar, or beer line cleaner. Mix
the mixture thoroughly.
2. Attach the nozzle of the squeeze bottle to the beer line. Place a cup or
bowl underneath the beer dispenser.
3. Squeeze the bottle while opening the dispenser all the way, forcing the
cleaning mixture through the beer line and into the cup/bowl beneath the
4. Once all the mixture has run through the line, rinse out the squeeze
5. Refill the squeeze bottle with water and repeat the above process with
water until the lines are clear of cleaning solution.
Cleaning the Mini Kegerator
For cleaning the other parts of the unit, a damp cloth with a mild detergent
solution is suggested.