Procedure Performatleastevery
Week month 3months 6months
Checktirewear ✔
Checkhandrims ✔
Checkwheellockengagement ✔
Checkanti-tippers(optional) ✔
Wipeoffframewithsoftcloth ✔
Checkupholstery ✔
Checkrearwheeladjustment ✔
Checkarms ✔
Checkbackposts/pushhandle ✔
Checkelevatinglegrests/footrests ✔
Cleanframe ✔
Checkcasterstemrotation ✔
GFdistributormaintenancecheck ✔
Checkrearwheelbearings(distributor) ✔
Checkcasterbearings(distributor) ✔
The tools and cleaning supplies listed will assist in the procedures
outlined in Section 7.
30 weight oil (available at most auto parts stores)
Phillips screwdriver
soft cloth
mild soap and water solution
Always evaluate the overall operation of your wheelchair. It should
function with ease and should travel straight without excessive drag or
pull to one side.
Remember, your Graham-Field authorized distributor knows your
wheelchair best when it comes to service and repairs. Contact your
dealer with any questions or concerns regarding the safe operation and
maintenance of your wheelchair. Regular maintenance is essential for
your safety and continued operation of your wheelchair.