while you are adjusting these settings to see the result. If you are using a mixture of fixtures
that don’t match, make sure the range is within the limits of all fixtures. If you set the end
beyond the range of a fixture it will simply pause while the unused steps are being called.
Use wheel 4 to adjust an offset if desired. Offset works similar to the shape chase offset so that
each fixture will be offset from the next by the number of steps you select. The order of offset
across the fixtures will be determined by the order that you select the fixtures for the chase.
Enter the chase name on page two of the menu using the cursor buttons and data wheel or an
external keyboard. To save the chase, first turn off the fixture switch and then select a page and
a number that is not occupied. After you have saved the chase, the record and chase LEDs will
continue to flash, allowing you to continue to edit the chase in case you would like to save a
slightly different version at another location. To exit record mode, press “record” and the LEDs
will stop flashing.
The gobo chase is similar to the color chase except that gobo steps are used instead.
The color mix chase uses the cyan, magenta and yellow channels of a fixture to create a
rainbow effect as it fades through the various CMY combinations. It will also work with RGB
channels. It will only work with fixtures that have CMY or RGB channels defined. These
channels will be defined by the fixture library or by the fixture profile when the fixture is
selected. You can also use the “modify fixture” menu to select the 3 fixture channels to use in
the color mix chase.
The fixture LED will be lit when you first start to record a color mix chase. Select the fixtures to
be included in the chase. Use wheel 1 to adjust the step time. Use wheel 2 to adjust the offset
between fixtures. Offset works similar to the shape chase offset in that each fixture will be
offset from the next by the number of steps you select. The order of offset across the fixtures
will be determined by the order that you select the fixtures for the chase. Run the chase while
you are adjusting these settings to see the result.
Use the data wheels 3 and 4 or an external keyboard to name the chase. To save the chase, first
turn off the fixture switch and then select a page and a number that is not occupied. After you
have saved the chase, the record and chase LEDs will continue to flash, allowing you to
continue to edit the settings for the chase in case you would like to save a slightly different
version at another location. To exit record mode, press “record” and the LEDs will stop flashing.
To edit a chase that has already been recorded, press “record” followed by “chase”. Choose
“Edit Existing Chase” instead of a chase type, this is the last selection in the list of types. The
number switches will be lit for all existing chases. Select one of these and the chase will be
called up. You can then add to it or modify the steps. After you have finished editing the chase
you can store it at the same memory location or at a new location by selecting a page and by
pressing a number switch. You can also use this method to copy a chase to another location by
saving it without making any changes.
To erase an existing chase from the memory, press “record” then “chase” then “erase”. As when
recording a chase, all LEDs that contain a chase will be lit. Next select the chase to erase. The
message “Erase this Chase?” along with the chase name will appear in the LCD. Press “yes” or