EMC Smarts Application Connectivity Monitor Configuration Guide 19
Using the Application Signature Configuration Interface
The table at the top of the tab (see Figure 2) shows the list of application
signatures that are available in the ACM Domain Manager. Each row in the
table corresponds to an application signature and each column in the row
corresponds to a field in the application signature.
Enabled signatures (those already deployed) appear in normal font;
disabled signatures appear in grayed italic font.
By default, the application signatures are disabled (grayed out). To enable a
signature, select the needed autodetect signature. The signature name is then
placed in the Name field, and the values for the selected signature are
displayed. Click the Enable checkbox and Apply button. Update the
parameters as required. See Modifying Application Signatures on page 23
to modify the values.
Note: Enabled signatures that are later disabled will not detect new elements;
however, the topology, that was detected during the time the signature was
enabled, will not be removed and monitoring of the detected software
services will continue.
Creating Application Signatures
To create a new application signature, perform the following steps.
1 Access the Application Signature tab.
2 Click the New button. Default values are added to the following fields:
• Class defaults to “Application Server”.
• Enabled checkbox is un-checked, which means that the application
signature is disabled and must be enabled
• Monitoring Action is “tcpAction” for monitoring.
• System Name Pattern defaults to “*”, which means discovery will
occur on all systems added to the ACM Domain Manager’s
3 Enter information into the displayed fields. Table 4 describes the fields
of the Application Signature tab. All of the required fields must be
4 Click the Enable checkbox.
5 Click the Apply button.