32 Micro Motion
Model 2200S Transmitters
Configuring Process Measurement
To characterize the flowmeter using the Communicator:
1. Select
Detailed Setup > Charize Sensor.
2. In the Sensor Selection menu, select
3. In the Flow menu, set the
FlowCal parameter.
4. In the Density menu, set the remainder of the parameters listed in Table 4-1.
To characterize the flowmeter using ProLink II:
1. Click
ProLink > Configuration.
2. On the Device panel, set Sensor Type to Curved.
3. On the Flow panel, set the
Flow Cal parameter.
4. On the Density panel, set the remainder of the parameters listed in Table 4-1.
4.3 Configuring general flow parameters
The general flow parameters include:
• Flow Direction
• Flow Damping
4.3.1 Flow direction
The Flow Direction parameter controls how the transmitter reports flow rate and how flow is added to
or subtracted from the totalizers, under conditions of forward flow, reverse flow, or zero flow.
• Forward (positive) flow moves in the direction of the arrow on the sensor.
• Reverse (negative) flow moves in the direction opposite of the arrow on the sensor.
Table 4-1 Characterization parameters
Parameter Description Sample sensor tag
K1 Tube period when sensor is filled with air
K2 Tube period when sensor is filled with water
FD Density correction factor for high flow rates
D1 Density of air for K1
D2 Density of water for K2
TC Temperature coefficient to compensate for the
effect of temperature on the density
Flowcal Flow calibration factor to define the
relationship between sensor data and mass
flow rate and compensate for the effect of
temperature on the mass measurement