Reference Manual
00809-0100-4808, Rev CA
June 2008
Rosemount 3051N
FIGURE 6-2. Rosemount 3051N
with Optional LCD Meter.
Diagnostic Messages In addition to the output, the LCD meter displays abbreviated operation, error,
and warning messages for troubleshooting the transmitter. Messages appear
according to their priority, with normal operating messages appearing last. To
determine the cause of a message, use a HART Communicator to further
interrogate the transmitter. A description of each LCD diagnostic message
Error Error messages appear on the LCD meter display to inform you of serious
problems effecting the operation of the transmitter. The meter displays an
error message until the error condition is corrected, and the analog output is
driven to the specified alarm level. No other transmitter information is
displayed during an alarm condition.
The transmitter CPU board and the sensor module are incompatible. If you
encounter this message, contact Rosemount Nuclear Instruments, Inc. at
(952) 949-5210 if you need assistance.
The sensor module is disconnected or is malfunctioning. Verify that the
sensor module ribbon cable is connected to the back of the electronics board.
If the ribbon cable is properly connected, there is a problem within the sensor
module. Possible sources of problems include:
• Pressure or temperature updates are not being received in the sensor
• A non-volatile memory fault that will effect transmitter
operation has been detected in the module by the memory verification