C-4 • E2 RX/BX/CX I&O Manual 026-1610 Rev 13 14-SEP-2011
Controller Type Mismatch 20 A device on the Echelon network is of a different
type than the user has specified. In other words, a
user might have wired a device such as a CC-100P to
the network but set it up in the E2 software as a CC-
100LS. Check your network setup and if necessary
reconfigure the device with the correct type.
Controller Was Warm-booted 50 A user has reset the E2 using the “reset” button on the
main board.
Couldn't Get File Handle 20 E2 tried to get a file from its memory and failed to do
so. This alarm likely indicates one or more templates
in the E2 software have been corrupted. Contact
Retail Solutions service for further assistance.
Curtail On User A Curtailment device set up in Global Data has acti-
vated to begin curtail.
DFMC Standby Mode 20 A DFMC is put into standby by a service technician;
it indicates the unit is not actually controlling.
DFMC Check Clock Settings 99 Sent by the DFMC when it has lost its internal time-
of-day, E2 will resend the time upon receipt and this
alarm should return-to-normal without user interac-
DFMC Over Max Defrost 20 A defrost duration was in excess of the maximum
limit defined. For example, the case is not defrosting
within spec.
DFMC Over Max Fan Delay 30 Maximum fan delay time has been exceeded.
DFMC Inject Alarm 30 Related to the case's ability to get refrigerant into the
coil. For example, this alarm may occur if the case is
not being supplied with the proper temperature
DFMC Door Alarm 99 Door to a case has been left open too long.
Defrost terminated on Time 30 EC2, EC3
Defrost terminated on Temp. 30 EC2, EC3
Dest. Mem. Not Allocated Block 50 An internal error has occurred in the E2.
Dest. Mem. Out Of Stack Bounds 50 An internal error has occurred in the E2.
Device Absent From Network 20 The current E2 could not find the specified E2, I/O
board, or Echelon controller
Diagnostic Rate Change Failed 20 A user tried to change the update rate of a CC-100,
RT-100, or similar Echelon device, but the change
was not accepted. Try the update rate change again. If
this alarm persists, call Retail Solutions service.
Dial To Day Time Site 1 Failed 20 E2 tried to dial out to the site listed as Day Time Site
1 and was unsuccessful.
Dial To Day Time Site 2 Failed 20 E2 tried to dial out to the site listed as Day Time Site
2 and was unsuccessful.
Alarm Name