Emerson Process Management GmbH & Co. OHG 3-17
Instruction Manual
3.9 Checking the Settings
3.9.2 Conguring the Display
Check the settings for the measurement
display, temperature and pressure units, and
for menu access: press enter to open DIS-
PLAY.., select "Measurement display.." and
press enter.
If a setting does not meet your requirements,
access that menu and adjust the parameter.
Press left to return to SETUP
Select the value to be displayed in each line
of the measurement display. The following
options are available:
Comp1 ... Comp5,
Temp1 ... Temp5,
Press1 ... Press5,
Flow1 ... Flow5
Blank (nothing)
X-STREAM currently supports one pressure
sensor only. Values Press1 to Press5 thus
refer to the same sensor.
When entering LABELS.., you may change
the channel´s label, that is the rst text phra-
se in a line showing a measurement value: If
here nothing is entered, the default phrases
(Ch1 ... Ch4) are used.
Notice the headlines of the menus showing
a "1": This indicates that you can setup more
than 1 measurement display page.
Display 1 Assignments
Line 1: Comp1
Line 2: Comp2
Line 3: Comp3
Line 4: Comp4
Line 5: Blank
Display 1 Labels
Line 1:
Line 2:
Line 3:
Line 4:
Line 5:
Do yet not change entries here.
This rst access to the menu is
intended to provide information
on the analyzer conguration
Wrong entries may result in
wrong measurements or affect
analyzer efciency.