Net Oil Computer Supplement 31
Configuring the NOC Application
NOC Overview NOC ConfigurationUsing the DisplayBefore You Begin NOC Overview NOC ConfigurationUsing the DisplayBefore You Begin NOC Overview NOC ConfigurationUsing the DisplayBefore You Begin NOC Overview NOC ConfigurationUsing the DisplayBefore You Begin
5. In the Well Data–Densities menu, set Gas Reference Density to the reference density of the
gas from this well.
• In Continuous mode – set for the well to be measured
• In Well Test mode – set for each well to be measured
6. To verify that gas data is being received, view the current gas volume as shown in Figure 5-1
(Well Test mode) or Figure 5-3 (Continuous mode). Ensure that the displayed value matches
the value sent by the gas measurement device.
4.8 Setting up Transient Mist Remediation
To set up TMR:
1. Ensure that a Micro Motion meter has been installed on the gas leg, and that it is operating
2. Follow the instructions in Section 4.7 to set up and enable gas measurement.
3. At the TMR gas meter:
a. Set the primary variable (the variable reported over the primary mA output) to drive gain.
b. Define a HART tag (software tag) for the device.
4. Ensure that the primary mA output of the Series 3000 platform has been wired to support
HART protocol, and establish a HART connection to the TMR gas meter.
5. Refer to Figure 4-1. In the Compensations menu, select
Transient Mist Remed, and:
a. Set
Drive Gain Level to the drive gain value (in percent) that represents a transient mist
condition in this process stream. To determine the best value, you may find it useful to
observe drive gain values for the TMR gas meter.
b. Set
Time Period to the number of seconds over which the transmitter will average mass
flow data.
c. Set
Add Carry-Over Totals as desired. If set to Yes, the estimated oil and water quantities
from the gas leg will be added to the net oil and net water data from the oil/water leg.
d. Set
Gas Meter HART Tag to the HART tag of the TMR gas meter.
6. To verify that drive gain data is received, view the current drive gain value as shown in
Figure 5-1 (Well Test mode) or Figure 5-3 (Continuous mode).
4.9 Performing density determination procedures
All density determination procedures are accessed from Management>Maintenance>Calibration (see
Section 3-2). When you select Density Determination from the Calibration menu:
• In Continuous mode, the Last Dates screen shown in Figure 4-2 is displayed.
• In Well Test mode, the well selection screens are shown first. After a well has been selected,
the Last Dates screen shown in Figure 4-2 is displayed.
The Last Dates screen shows the date and time of the most recent oil and density determination
procedures performed to completion on this device.
If you choose to continue, the Procedure Selection screen shown in Figure 4-3 is displayed.
If you are performing both a density determination for oil and a density determination for water, it is
typically more convenient to perform the density determination for water first.