
unsecured, See Weights & Measures application
Update Period 80
Update Rate
configuring 87
effect on process measurement 88
incompatible functions 88
Upper Range Value (URV) 102
Volume Correction Factor (VCF) 53
volume flow measurement
configuring 29
configuring 33
interaction with AO cutoff 33
effect of density cutoff on 50
effect of density damping on 49
effect of flow damping on 27
effect of mass flow cutoff on 28
measurement units
configuring 30
options 30
meter factor 192, 193
troubleshooting 220
volume flow type 29
volume flow type
gas applications 35
liquid applications 29
water calibration, See calibration, density
Weights & Measures application
effect on operations and maintenance
NTEP 166
OIML 167
effect on outputs
NTEP 165
OIML 166
effect on process variables
NTEP 165
OIML 166
operations overview 163
overview 139, 140
process data
NTEP 164
OIML 164
regulatory agencies 139
replacing the core processor 171
sealing 140, 143
secured vs. unsecured 139
security types 139
setting up
using ProLink II 140
using ProLink III 143
Status Alarm A027:Security Breach 139, 170
switching modes
using ProLink II 169
using ProLink III 169
using the switching utility 170
totalizer reset options 140, 143
ground 351
troubleshooting 228
I/O terminals 352
power supply terminals 351
power supply wiring
troubleshooting 227
sensor wiring
troubleshooting 227
write-protection 21, 138
using ProLink II 188
using ProLink III 189
using the display 187
using the Field Communicator 191
restore factory zero
using ProLink II 188
using ProLink III 189
using the display 187
using the Field Communicator 191
restore prior zero
using ProLink II 188
using ProLink III 189
using the display 187
using the Field Communicator 191
using ProLink II 14
using ProLink III 15
364 Micro Motion
Model 2700 Transmitters with Analog Outputs