
Enhanced core processor LED statesTable 10-14:
LED state Description Recommended action
Solid green Normal operation No action required.
Flashing yellow Zero in progress No action required.
Solid yellow Low-severity alarm Check alarm status.
Solid red High-severity alarm Check alarm status.
Flashing red (80% on, 20% off) Tubes not full If alarm A105 (slug flow) is active, refer to the
recommended actions for that alarm.
If alarm A033 (tubes not full) is active, verify
process. Check for air in the flow tubes, tubes
not filled, foreign material in tubes, or coating
in tubes.
Flashing red (50% on, 50% off) Electronics failed The meter requires factory service.
Flashing red (50% on, 50% off,
skips every 4th)
Sensor failed The meter requires factory service.
OFF Core processor receiving less
than 5 volts
Verify power supply wiring to core processor.
If transmitter status LED is lit, transmitter is re-
ceiving power. Check voltage across terminals
1 (VDC+) and 2 (VDC–) in core processor. If
reading is less than 1 VDC, verify power supply
wiring to core processor. Wires may be switch-
If transmitter status LED is not lit, transmitter
is not receiving power. Check power supply. If
power supply is operational, internal transmit-
ter, display, or LED failure is possible – the me-
ter may require factory service.
Core processor internal failure The meter requires factory service.
10.30 Perform a core processor resistance test
1. Power down the transmitter.
2. If you have a 4-wire remote installation or a remote core processor with remote
transmitter installation, remove the core processor lid.
3. If you have an integral installation:
a. Loosen the four cap screws that fasten the transmitter to the base.
Configuration and Use Manual 215