90003749(1) [NGA-e (Software CLD 2.3/MLT 3.1.X)] 04/98
NGA 2000
6 - 19
Main Menu — Technical level configuration
Service menus
Manufacturing data
Analyzer module data
In the menu "Analyzer manufacturing data" you will find the hardware revision number, the
software revision number and the serial number of the CLD analyzer module. Besides,
you can set up some measurement parameters.
Set up parameters:
♦ Select any line of variables with the ↓↓ -key or the ↑↑ -key.
♦ Select the variable with the ENTER key or the →→ -key.
♦ Select any digit with the ←← -key or the →→ -key and adjust a new value with
the ↑↑ -key or the ↓↓ -key.
♦ Confirm the new value with the ENTER key or cancel and go back to the last value with
the F2 key.
Lines of variables "Analyzer module s/n", "Manufacturing date code", "Bench configuration
code" and "Diode s/n, block s/n":
The data in these lines are specific CLD analyzer module data. They were set up by the
manufacturer during the first startup procedure of the module. A changing of these data
will only be necessary, if hardware setups or software setups will be changed. Only
specialists should change these parameters.
Note: The serial number of your CLD analyzer module you will find in the line "Analyzer
module s/n". Please give this number to your customer service, if you have questions
about your CLD analyzer module!
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5
95.0 ppm
Analyzer manufacturing data
Analyzer module s/n: CLD1
Bench configuration code: CLA - low range
Hardware revision number: 1.0
Software revision number: 2.3
Minimum range: 10.0 ppm
Maximum range: 10000 ppm
Capillary: 200.0 ml/min
Manufacturing date code: ?
Diode s/n, block s/n: 0000; 0000
6.2.2 Service Menus
Analyzer Module Data