3 Startup and Operation, General Notes and Main Menu
90003482(2) [NGA-e (MLT-Software 3.2.X)] 07/98
NGA 2000
3 - 5
♦ Lock of all three operation levels from the main menu, if a security code is activated in
the system configuration level (see section 6.3 p. 6-7).
♦ F4 in the main menu.
Calib (see section 4.4 p. 4-37 and 5.1.1 p. 5-15!)
♦ Change from the single component display to the menu "Analyzer module calibration".
♦ F5 in the single component display.
MFG Data (see section 3.8 p. 3-7/8!)
♦ Change from the main menu to the menu "Module Manufacturing Data":
Further submenus are available with informations about the control module and
analyzer module data, such as address of the manufacturer, serial number of the
modules or the software and hardware revisions.
♦ F5 in the main menu.
♦ Moving back to the last menu page selected (Alternative: ←← -key) or
reset of a changed but not confirmed parameter to the former value.
♦ If available: F4 for moving back, F2 for reset.
♦ Changing to a further menu page.
♦ If available: F5.
3.6 Entering/Changing of Variables
88 -key
♦ If you have already selected a line of variables (displayed white on black) and press the
88 -key, only the parameter will be selected and can be changed.
If you press the 88 -key again, the new value will be confirmed.
↑↑ -key / ↓↓ -key
♦ Function depends on the variable selected: - Changing the parameter values
- Scrolling among variables selected
- Changing of digits or characters
♦ Increasing or decreasing of numbers.
←← -key / →→ -key
♦ Selection of digits within a number.
♦ For some variables you can change the quantity of digits or characters.