The HBAnyware Utility User Manual Page 74
Driver For Solaris emlxs (SFS) Driver Parameters
• The emlxs.conf file contains all the parameters necessary to initialize the Solaris emlxs (SFS)
• The HBAnyware utility reflects the Solaris emlxs (SFS) driver parameters.
The parameter values listed in Table 4 are applicable to driver versions 1.30/2.30 or later. If you are
using the SFS driver version 1.22/2.22, see the HBAnyware Utility, version 3.3 User Manual. If you are
using an earlier version of the SFS driver, see the Emulex Driver for Solaris User Manual for parameter
information. All parameters are controller-specific.
Table 4: emlxs.conf Parameters
Default Min Max Activation Comments
0 0 1 Requires
link reset
Use ACK0 for class 2. If
ACK0 is 1, the HBA tries to
use ACK0 when running
Class 2 traffic to a device. If
the device doesn’t support
ACK0, then the HBA uses
ACK1. If ACK0 is 0, only
ACK1 is used when running
Class 2 traffic.
adisc-support 1 0. 2 Dynamic Sets the level of driver
support for the FC ADISC
login I/O recovery method.
1= Partial support. Flush
I/O's for non-FCP2 target
devices at link down
0 = No support. Flush active
I/O's for all FCP target
devices at link down.
2 = Full support. Hold active
I/O's for all devices at link
assign-alpa 0x00 0x00 0xef Requires
link reset
This parameter is only valid
if topology is set to loop. A
0x00 setting means no
preference. If multiple HBA
instances on the same host
are on the same loop, set
this value differently for
each HBA.