49 • Operating Your Printer
(Set-Up) Impact Mode Normal, Quiet
Parallel I/F
Only appears for
printers equipped
with Parallel
I-Prime Invalid, Buffer Print, Buffer
(Parallel I*/F) Pin 18 +5v, Open
(Parallel I*/F) Auto Feed XT Valid, Invalid
(Parallel I/F) Bi-Direction Enable, Disable
Serial I/F
Only appears for
printers equipped
with Serial
Parity None, Odd, Even
(Serial I/F) Serial Data 7 or 8
8 bits, 7 bits
(Serial I/F) Protocol Ready/Busy, X-ON/X-OFF
(Serial I/F) Diagnostic Test No, Yes
(Serial I/F) Busy Line SSD-, SSD+, DTR, RTS
(Serial I/F) Baud Rate 19,200 bps, 9600 bps, 4800
bps, 2400 bps, 1200 bps, 600
bps, 300 bps
(Serial I/F) DSR Signal Valid, Invalid
(Serial I/F) DTR Signal Ready on Power Up, Ready
on Select
(Serial I/F) Busy Time 200 ms, 1 sec
Group Item Setting