1-24 | Setting Up the Printer
5. In the text box, type the appropriate information for your system using
the syntax below, then click
\\name of computer connected to the printer\name of the shared printer
6. In the Printer Ports dialog box, click
7. On the Ports screen, make sure the new port is added and its checkbox is
selected. Then click
For instructions on using your printer software, see Chapter 4.
Setting Up on a Macintosh Network
This section tells you how to set up the printer as a shared printer on an
AppleTalk network. First install the printer software on every computer that
will need to access the printer, as described on page 1-19.
Then configure the host Macintosh (the computer to which you connected
the printer) to share the printer, and configure the client Macintosh
computers to connect to it, as described in the next two sections.
Configuring the Host Macintosh
Perform these steps on the Macintosh to which you connected the printer:
1. Turn on the printer.
2. Select
from the Apple menu. Then click the
SPro 5500
and the icon for the USB port your printer is connected to.
This section tells you how
to configure your printer
as a shared printer on a
network. To connect your
printer directly to a
network without setting it
up as a shared printer,
consult your network