To interpret the first line of codes on the sample printout on the previous page, see the
following table.
Hex codes Command Function
1B 52 00 ESC R 0 Select the USA character set
1B 43 45 ESC C 69 Set the page length
1B 6B 00 ESC k 0 Select the typeface
1B 70 00 ESC p 0 Turn proportional mode on/off
You may need to reset the printer sometimes.
There are four types of printer reset.
Type 1: Return all the printer’s settings to the default power-on settings
❐ Switch the power off, wait for at least 5 seconds, then switch on again.
❐ Press until the display shows INITIALIZE.
Type 2: Erase all data received from the computer and return the Selectype Level 1
settings to the saved settings
Press until RESET appears on the display. All printer settings are returned to their
previously stored settings.
Note: If you reset the machine while it is printing, the current page will be printed, but
other data remaining in the printer’s memory will be discarded.
This type of printer reset is the one described on page 15.
Type 3: Return the Selectype Level 1 settings to their saved settings
Perform the LOAD MACRO routine (see page 32).
Type 4: Return the Selectype Level 1 and 2 settings to original factory settings; this dis -
regards any settings that you have made earlier. The procedure is as follows.
1. Do a FACTORY RESET (see page 42).
2. Adjust any Level 2 settings that need to be different from the factory settings.
3. Load the macro that contains the required Level 1 settings.