EPSON Stylus Pro 7600/9600 Revision A
Product Description Interfaces 97
Sending BDC-ST through DBIN register
When State-Reply is set “ON” by ST from Type-B I/F, sending BDC-ST through
DBIN register is started. When State-Reply is started, “Start” and “End” of BDC-ST
characters are announced by sending the Main command 0Eh.
Emergency command (BGJC):
“0x00”: Get device ID
“0x01”: Get all status
“0x08”:LFP Bi-D command (For acquisition of job information)
1.6.4 Supplements
When data is received from the parallel interface or the type B interface while no error
has occurred (including the pause condition), the printer receives data a rate of 2 byte/
second while buffer free space is less than 16 kbytes in order to prevent host timeout.
When buffer free space is more than 32kbytes, the 2 byte/second receive rate is cleared,
and receive is halted when free space reaches 16 bytes, and returns to the 2 byte/second
rate when free space reaches 512 kbyte or more.
The printer has the parallel interface, the USB interface, the optional interface. These
interfaces are selected manually by the default setting mode or selected automatically.
Manual selection
One of 3 interfaces can be selected; the parallel interface, the USB interface, the
optional interface.
Automatic selection
Select a interface which the printer received data first after power ON. If it passes
10 seconds after interruption of data receiving, it will be idle status (any interface
is not selected) and will select a interface which the printer received data first.
Interface state and interface selection
When the parallel interface is not selected, the interface goes into the busy
Only reverse communication can be done at this time.
When the printer is initialized or returned to the idle state, the parallel
interface becomes ready status, the USB interface becomes non NACK reply
status, and the option interface resets OFF-LINE bit of Main Status Register
INIT signal on the parallel interface is not effective while that interface is not
selected or nibble Mode , ECP Mode.
Table 1-59. Commands and Sending Timing
Main command
Command name Sending timing
01h Start Software Reset -Init signal on the std. parallel
-Type B I/F Option command: 01h
-Panel Reset
-Cold start
04h Send Name Data -Type B I/F Option command: 05h
07h Inquire Software Emulation
-Changing Software Emulation type
0Eh Inquire ASCII Message -Writing to DBIN-register
14h Inquire Emergency Reply -Reply for Emergency command
15h Send Emergency Message -Receive Emergency command