Working with Your Memory Stick
Image Expert starts automatically when you insert your Memory Stick into the PC
card adapter in the printer’s PC card slot. This chapter explains how to use Image
Expert to view, copy, and print your photos. It also includes instructions for printing
on your sample roll of 4-inch EPSON Premium Glossy Photo Paper and
4 × 6-inch EPSON Photo Paper.
The printer comes with the PC card adapter inserted in the printer’s
PC card slot. If you want, you can remove the adapter by pressing
the card eject lever. Or you can leave it in and just remove your
Memory Stick when necessary. See page 31 for details.
You can also print from other programs, such as Adobe PhotoDeluxe, or use your
printer software to upload photos from your hard drive to your Memory Stick. Follow
the instructions in these sections:
■ “Inserting and Removing the Memory Stick”
■ “Using Image Expert with Your Memory Stick” on page 34
■ “Using Adobe PhotoDeluxe with Your Memory Stick” on page 44
■ “Uploading Photos to Your Memory Stick” on page 46
Don’t format your Memory Stick from the computer. If you do so
accidentally, just reformat it in your camera.