HP Emulation
Your laser printer offers HP emulation which enables you to use
application programs written for HP LaserJet series II printers.
Note: Epson FX emulation is available with an optional emulation
cartridge. The Epson FX Identity Cartridge lets you use software
written specifically for Epson FX printers. If you install the FX
Identity Cartridge, you must use SelecType to choose FX
emulation. See the manual that comes with the cartridge for
further information.
HP emulation lets you use commercial software designed for the HP
LaserJet series II printer. Simply follow the software’s instructions
for printing with an HP LaserJet series II printer.
Using HP emulation mode
This section gives you information about using HP emulation. It
describes the unique features of the ActionLaser’s HP emulation, as
well as the differences between the printer’s HP emulation and
printing with the HP LaserJet itself.
Unique features
Certain ActionLaser printer functions give you greater versatility
than you get with an HP LaserJet series II printer. These include the
The ability to print on different sizes of paper without changing
the paper cassette.
An easy-to-use control panel.
Printer Modes