
Using the Command Summary
This chapter lists and describes all the commands available on your
The first part of this chapter lists all commands in numerical order and
gives the number of the page where each is fully described. If you know
which command you are looking for, consult the numerical list.
Note: The Quick Reference card at the end of the book also contains
a list of the commands divided by topic, with page number
references that direct you to full explanations of the commands.
The second part of this chapter lists and describes each command
separately; the commands are divided into the following subjects:
Printer operation
Print size and character width
MSB control
Print enhancement
Data control
Word processing
Vertical motion
Character sets
Horizontal motion
User-defined characters
Overall printing style
Each command description has a format section and a comment
section. The format section gives the ASCII, decimal, and hexadecimal
values for the command. These three formats are equivalent, and it
should be easy to pick the one most suited to your purpose. The
comment section describes the effect of the command and gives any
additional information necessary for using it.
Note: Some application programs use control key sequences. See the
Control Key chart on page 9-4.
Command Summary