6.3.11 Security Properties
Use the Security properties sheet to access security features if you want. Click to enable terminal security, and deactivate
the Terminal Connection Manager function and the Hide Terminal Connection Configure Tab function. By default the
Terminal Connection Manager function is enabled but the Hide Terminal Connection Configure Tab function is disabled.
Enable “Enable Property Password” then type the new password that you wish to change on the “New Password“ column,
and then re-type it again on the “Confirm Password“ column. Both password column must be identical.
Click OK then the WBT will ask for rebooting to save the setting change. After rebooting, before entering the Connection
Manager dialog box, this WBT will ask for user name and password that you just typed in. Then go back to this General tab
of Terminal Properties dialog, now the “Enable Property Password ” option shall show up. Tick it up, then whenever the
energy saver is activated and you want to deactivate it to enter the system, this password protection function will show up.
Enable “Enable RDC”, the WBT could be in the control of RM tool.
Enable “Enable VNC”, the WBT could be in the control of VNC viewer, and the default password is “password”.
BOSSTX2 CE 5.0 User's Manual