Printing with your EPSON Stylus
C42 printer is easy, friendly, and fast. Simple
enough for even the most inexperienced user, the Stylus C42 prints everything from
school reports to family photos with great results.
For added value, it supports a wide range of EPSON
special media, including
Glossy Photo Greeting Cards, Photo Stickers,
and special photo papers in a variety of
sizes and finishes. You’ll find a list of available papers at the end of this manual.
It’s a good idea to check EPSON’s support web site periodically for free
updates to your printer software. Visit http://support.epson.com.
Download instructions are posted for your convenience.
About Your Documentation
To set up your printer and install its software, see the Start Here sheet. This book
contains information about:
Printing with Windows
or on a Macintosh
Maintaining the printer
Solving basic problems
System requirements and printer specifications
For system requirements, safety instructions, specifications and other important
information, see the EPSON Stylus C42 Series Notices and Warranty booklet.