The EpsonNet Configuration Utility
The password set here protects the settings. You will be asked for
the password when you update or change the settings on each
setting screen. Passwords are case sensitive. No password is set
by default.
The same password can be used for EpsonNet WinAssist,
MacAssist, and WebAssist.
If you forget your password, you need to initialize the network
adapter. See “Initializing the Network Adapter” on page 1-6 for
Update Home Page
Update the Home Page only if EpsonNet WebAssist has been corrupted.
Items Explanations
Old Password Input the old password.
New Password Input the new password (up to 20 characters).
Re-input Password Re-input the new password.
SUBMIT button Saves any changes.
Items Explanations
Filename Mount the CD-ROM included in this package, and
click the Browse button to select the EPS1**E.pac file,
or enter the file name with the full path.
Browse button Click this button to browse the file.
UPDATE button Updates to the specified file in the Filename.