Sawgrass Technologies, Inc. ChromaBlast
Getting Started Guide for the EPSON Stylus C88 /C88 +
This product is for commercial use only.
This Process License Agreement ("PLA") is a legal agreement between you and Sawgrass
Technologies, Inc. ("Sawgrass"). By installing the ChromaBlast™ media in your printer, or
otherwise using the Sawgrass ChromaBlast™ media, you agree to be bound by the terms of this
PLA. If you do not agree to the terms of this PLA, Sawgrass is unwilling to license the process of
using the ChromaBlast™ media to you. In such event, you may not use the ChromaBlast™ media,
and you should promptly contact your supplier for instructions on return of the unopened package.
The process of using ChromaBlast™ media is protected by U.S. and foreign patents. Sawgrass will
provide a complete list of the relevant patents upon request. The use of the ChromaBlast™ media
to practice the patented process is permitted by this license.
1. GRANT OF LICENSE This PLA grants you the following rights:
You may use the ChromaBlast™ media packaged herewith with your ChromaBlast™ ink in your
Epson printer to practice the printing process described in U.S. Patent No. 6,341,856 (“Sawgrass
Process”). The use of any ink, dye or pigment and media combination to practice the Sawgrass
Process, other than ChromaBlast™ ink and ChromaBlast™ media purchased from Sawgrass or its
authorized distributor accompanied by a PLA, is not a licensed use of the Sawgrass Process. No
rights to use the Sawgrass Process, except those specified herein, are granted, and no rights to
use any other process, product, software or hardware developed or sold by Sawgrass are granted
or implied hereby.
You agree that you will not attempt to reverse engineer, reproduce or deformulate the
ChromaBlast™ media or ink.
Sawgrass owns multiple U.S. and foreign patents which may apply to the Sawgrass Transfer
Media Process and/or the use of ChromaBlast™ media. All patents in and to the method of using
ChromaBlast™ media are owned by Sawgrass Technologies, Inc. You may not copy the printed
materials accompanying the ChromaBlast™ media. All rights not specifically granted under this
PLA are reserved by Sawgrass Technologies, Inc.