Configuring the printer
S Platen Gap
This adjustment is to be seen as a correctional offset to the platen gap set
by the AGC (Automatic Gap Control) function or a PCC (Programmable
Copy Control) command. It effects all paper paths.
The offset is within the range of -3 to +4. One step is equal to 18 µm.
"-" reduces the gap, "+" increases it.
S AGC Adjust
This is a basic adjustment which is automatically performed at the initial
Power On of the printer, and which there after only needs to be initiated
after having exchanged the print head or the platen. It is essential that the
ink ribbon is installed and no paper is in the printer when this procedure is
started. After activating this procedure, the printer displays
INSTALL RIBBON. If the ribbon is installed press to continue.
S PAPER-IN ADJ (Paper-In-Sensor adjustment)
This parameter logically adjusts the base position of the Run-In-Sensor.
The factory set value is such that the default is set to compensate specific
mechanical tolerances. The adjustment range is from -3 to +4 in / " steps
(0.42 mm), where "-" means an upward movement and "+" a downward
movement. When implemented, the adjustment applies to all paper paths.