Table 1-10 and 1-11 shows the connector pin assignments and signal functions of the 8-bit parallel interface.
Table 1-10. Signal and Connector Pin Assignments for Parallel Interface
Pin No. Signal Name I/O* Description
1 -STROBE I Strobe pulse. Input data is latched at falling edge of the signal.
2-9 DATA 1-8 I Parallel input data to the printer. bit 0:LSB
This signal (negative pulse) indicates that the printer has
received data and is ready to accept next one.
This signal’s high level means that the printer is not ready to
accept data.
12 PE O
This signal’s hugh level means that the printer is in a state of
paper-out error.
13 SLCT O Always at high level when the printer in powered on.
14 -AFXT I Not used
31 -INIT I This signal’s negative pulse initializes printer.
32 -ERROR O This signal’s low level means the printer is in a state of error.
35 +5 V —
Pulled up to +5 V through 1.0 KΩ resistor in the printer.
36 -SLIN In Not used.
17 CHASSIS —- Chassis ground
18 Logic H O
Pulled up to +5V through 3.9 KΩ resistor.
GND — Signal ground.
15,34 NC —- Not connected.
* The I/O column indicates the direction of the signal as viewed from the printer.
The busy signal is active (HIGH) under the following conditions:
-During data reception(See Figure 1-6)
-When the input buffer is full
-When the-INIT input signal is active (low level)
-During the hardware initialization
-When the-ERROR or PE signal is active
- During the self-test mode
-During the default setting mode
The -ERROR signal is active(LOW) under the following conditions:
-When a paper-out error occurs
-When a no ink catridge error occurs
-When a fatal error occurs
The PE signal is active (HIGH) under the following conditions:
-When a paper-out error occurs
Product Description Epson Stylus Color 200 /Epson Stylus 200
1-10 Rev. A