short.bk Rev_C
A5 size SOFTW.FM
10/18/00 Pass 0
Proof Sign-off:
Ichihara _______
N.Nomoto _______
R.Thomson _______
On the Main menu, select the Media Type setting that matches
the media that is loaded in the printer. To determine what Media
Type you are using, locate your media in the list found under
“Media types” on page 56, and refer to the corresponding Media
Type under which it is grouped (shown in larger type). For some
types of media, there are several Media Type settings to choose
For Windows 3.1 users, if the Media Type that you wish to select does
not appear in the list, make the
Print Quality
setting in the More
Settings dialog box first. To access this dialog box, click the
button on the Main menu, then click
More Settings
Previewing your printout
Select the
Print Preview
check box on the Main menu to see a
preview of your document before printing.
This feature is not available for Windows 3.1.