Using SelecType Mode 19
*1 This setting is available only in IBM PPDS emulation mode.
*2 This setting is available only when the optional perforation cutter (#C81570X) is installed.
*3 These settings are available only when the optional Print Server is installed.
*4 This setting is available only when the optional Print Server is installed and the Get IP address setting is
set to Panel or PING.
*5 This menu appears when you press the Menu buttons (Tear Off and Top of Form) in SelecType mode.
Follow these steps to enter SelecType mode and change the settings:
1. Make sure paper is loaded and the printer is on.
2. Press the
Menu buttons (Tear Off and Top of Form) to enter the SelecType
mode. The LCD displays the currently selected language.
3. If you want a different language, press the
SetU (Tear Off) or SetD
Top of Form) button until you see the language you want.
4. Press the
ItemD (Pitch) button to set the desired language.
5. You see
Print Settings on the LCD. Press the SetD (Top of Form) button to
print the current settings.
6. Press the
ItemU (Font) or ItemD (Pitch) button to select the setting you
want to change.
You can scroll the menu settings by holding down the
ItemU (Font) or ItemD
Pitch) button for a few seconds.
7. Press the
SetU (Tear Off) or SetD (Top of Form) button to scroll through
the options available for the current setting until you see the one you want.
You can scroll the options by holding down the
SetU (Tear Off) or SetD
Top of Form) button for a few seconds.
8. When you finish making settings, press and hold down the
Menu buttons
Tear Off and Top of Form). The LCD displays Save Setting.
Software ESC/P
0 slash Off, On
I/F (Interface) mode Auto, Parallel, Serial, USB, Optional
Auto I/F (Interface) wait time 10 seconds, 30 seconds
Parallel I/F bi-directional mode Off, On
Packet mode Auto, Off
Serial baud rate 19200 BPS, 9600 BPS, 4800 BPS, 2400 BPS,
1200 BPS, 600 BPS, 300 BPS
Serial parity None, Odd, Even, Ignore
Serial data length 8-bit, 7-bit
Character table Standard version: PC437, PC850, PC860, PC863,
PC865, PC861, BRASCII, Abicomp, Roman8, ISO
Latin 1, PC858, ISO 8859-15, Italic U.S.A., Italic
France, Italic Germany, Italic U.K., Italic Denmark 1,
Italic Sweden, Italic Italy, Italic Spain 1
NLSP version: PC437, PC850, PC860, PC863, PC865,
PC861, BRASCII, Abicomp, Roman8, ISO Latin 1,
PC858, ISO 8859-15, PC437 Greek, PC853, PC855,
PC852, PC857, PC866, PC869, MAZOWIA, Code
MJK, ISO 8859-7, ISO Latin 1T, Bulgaria, PC774,
Estonia, ISO 8859-2, PC866 LAT., PC866 UKR, PC
APTEC, PC708, PC720, PCAR864, PC771, PC437
Slovenia, PC MC, PC1250, PC1251, Italic U.S.A.,
Italic France, Italic Germany, Italic U.K., Italic
Denmark 1, Italic Sweden, Italic Italy, Italic Spain 1
Off, On
IBM character table (IBM
Table 2, Table 1
Buzzer Off, On
Low-noise mode Off, On
Auto cut mode
Off, On
Auto cut/back mode
Off, On
Overlapping multipart forms Off, On
Continuous forms with labels Off, On
Skip over binding Off, On
Get IP address
Panel, Auto, PING
IP address
*4 to
Setting Options (default in bold)
Subnet mask
*3 to
Default gateway
*3 to
Save settings?
Yes, No
Setting Options (default in bold)