Defining your own drive type
If the parameters for your hard disk (listed in its
documentation) do not match any of the types listed in the table
above, you can define your own type. Follow these steps:
Move your cursor to
Hard Disk
or 2 and press + or -
until you see drive type 48 or type 49.
to move the cursor to the
Type the appropriate cylinder value for your hard disk. The
documentation that came with your hard disk drive will
provide the appropriate information.
Continue pressing
to move the cursor to the next field and
type in the appropriate values.
If you are installing Epson-supplied drives, use the information
in the following table to define your drive type.
Epson-supplied hard disk drive types
Actual formatted size may be slightly different than size on drive label.
If you are going to install NetWare 286, version 2.2, you
cannot assign a user-defined drive type for your drive
without installing NetWare IDE drivers. You can obtain
these drivers (IDE.DSK and IDE.OBJ) by downloading
IDE286.ZIP from Netwire in CompuServe®. Alternatively,
you can select one of the pre-defined hard disk drive types
that most closely matches the drive you are installing.
Setting Up Your System